Our goal is to engage purpose-driven business leaders to address pandemic-related challenges that are impacting...
Call to Action
Boards must take immediate steps to improve workplace health and safety by implementing indoor clean air...
Over 15 million American adults -- about 1 in 17 -- are currently living with long COVID, according to the CDC. While some have...
The human, health, economic costs and consequences of “living with covid”: HIGH
Despite low-level testing and data,...
Global pandemic environmental, social and governance (ESG) business costs risk level: HIGH
As we head into the fifth year...
On October 24th, 2023, we hosted the world’s first all-virtual Clean Indoor Air Expo, highlighting innovative technologies -...
This month, take part in the world’s first all-virtual Clean Indoor Air Expo, as we highlight innovative technologies - and the...
Click the green "Add" button to sign the pledge
Each business featured on the WHN Clean Air Pledge Map has pledged...
When thousands of investors, business and political leaders, economists, and celebrities attended the World Economic Forum in...
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