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The COVID-19 Pandemic Is Not Over: Infections Matter

As we enter the third year of the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries are lifting protections against SARS-CoV-2 even while infections remain high and are in some instances increasing. This situation is not sustainable. Lifting the protections without proper mitigations facilitates transmission with dire consequences: more deaths, long COVID and social, economic and political disruptions.

COVID-19 est Toujours Parmi Nous : Nous Avons Les Moyens de la Contrôler

Alors que nous entrons dans la troisième année de la pandémie, nombre de pays ont allégé voire supprimé les mesures visant à se protéger de SARS-CoV-2, en dépit d’un nombre de contaminations très élevé et en augmentation dans certains d’entre eux. Alléger les mesures, sans avoir mis en place des moyens efficaces de contrôler le … Continued

La Pandemia Continúa

Mientras entramos al tercer año de la pandemia por Covid-19, muchos países están levantando las protecciones contra SARS-CoV-2, aun mientras las infecciones permanecen altas y en algunos casos hasta aumentan. Esta situación no es sostenible. Levantar las protecciones sin mitigaciones apropiadas facilita la transmisión con consecuencias terribles: más muertes, Covid persistente y disrupciones sociales, económicas … Continued

Is Omicron Mild?

Omicron is a much more rapidly spreading variant of SARS-CoV-2 that is causing a tsunami of cases in several countries, threatening health care systems and livelihoods. This variant has more mutations than any previous variant of concern and shows significant immune escape from both prior infection and vaccination, including in people who have received three … Continued

CDC: Stop the Virus With a Gold Standard 14 Day Isolation

WHN Response to: CDC Dec. 27, 2021, Isolation Recommendation Signed by National Nurses United In response to the revised CDC Update that reduced SARS-COV2 positive individuals’ isolation time to 5 days, the World Health Network, guided by the scientific advice of the Covid Action Group, makes the following recommendations for revision*: World Health Network Gold … Continued

Brief Summary of Omicron: What to Do Now

Omicron is a much more rapidly spreading variant of COVID that has grown from first report on Nov 25 to a record global spike of cases that is already several times the level of Delta. It has 60 mutations, many more than previous variants, and undermines previous immunity so that the protection provided by both … Continued

COVID Event Safety: Follow the Science

Straight talk about COVID myths and facts, plus safety tips and resources, from a nurse practitioner and events professional COVID Event Safety: Follow the Science Greta Fox, FNP-BC 08/03/2021 Revised 12/27/21 As conferences and events open back up, we in the meetings and events industry are excited to be back. But the truth is that … Continued

Giving Thanks and Keeping Safe During The Holidays

We all want to celebrate the holidays normally, with our families and friends. But COVID-19 cases are rising, and gatherings of different households, especially indoors, are proven spreaders of the virus. According to the CDC, the lowest risk holiday activities are small dinners limited to household members only, and virtual gatherings with others. As COVID pandemic fatigue … Continued

Statement on Pandemic Response

Preamble We wish to ensure every person’s right to have the maximum possible and sustainable health in all countries, regardless of wealth, age, color, race, religion, or prior health condition. We should make the best effort to protect and care for all the people. A pandemic causes harm due to the risk and consequences of … Continued