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Carlos Gershenson, PhD

Carlos Gershenson, PhD

Complex Systems Researcher

Expert’s bio

Dr. Gershenson is a tenured research professor at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. He has a broad variety of academic interests, including self-organizing systems, complexity, artificial life, information, evolution, cognition, artificial societies, and philosophy. He is a tenured full-time research professor (investigador titular), leader of the Self-organizing Systems Lab, and was head (2012-2015) of the Computer Sciences Department of the Instituto de Investigaciones en Matemáticas Aplicadas y en Sistemas (IIMAS) of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). He is also a researcher associated to the Centro de Ciencias de la Complejidad (C3) of the UNAM.

Furthermore, he spent a sabbatical year (2015-2016) as a visiting professor at SENSEable City Lab, MIT, and at MOBS Lab in Northeastern.

He is an Editor-in-Chief of Complexity Digest.

Dr. Gershenson did a PhD on “Design and Control of Self-organizing Systems” at the Center Leo Apostel for Interdisciplinary Studies of the Dutch-speaking Free University of Brussels. His promoters were Francis Heylighen, Diederik Aerts, and Bart D’Hooghe. Afterwards, Dr. Gershenson did a postdoc at the New England Complex Systems Institute with Yaneer Bar-Yam.

Dr. Gershenson studied the MSc in Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems in the School of Cognitive and Computer Sciences (COGS) of the University of Sussex (2001-2002). The research thesis “A Comparison of Different Cognitive Paradigms Using Simple Animats in a Virtual Laboratory, with Implications to the Notion of Cognition” was supervised by Chris Thornton and Inman Harvey.

Before that, he studied a B.Eng. in Computer Engineering at the Fundación Arturo Rosenblueth in Mexico City (1996-2001), and his thesis focused on “Artificial Societies of Intelligent Agents”. His advisors were José Negrete Martínez, Pedro Pablo González Pérez, and Jaime Lagunez Otero.

Articles by Carlos Gershenson, PhD

La Pandemia Continúa

Mientras entramos al tercer año de la pandemia por Covid-19, muchos países están levantando las protecciones contra SARS-CoV-2, aun mientras las...

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La Pandemia Continúa