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Weekly Action

Weekly Actions (Sep 10, 2024)

WHN has launched its Relations Team, a team responsible for collaborative efforts with other organizations focused on similar work. If you know of organizations with overlap in WHN’s mission that may wish to collaborate to amplify messaging, direct them to fill out the form on WHN’s Relations Team webpage.

Submit a Collaboration Request with WHN’s Relations Team

Additional Actions & Resources

  • Remote Action – WHN is working with Long COVID Families on Pediatric Long Covid Awareness Week! As part of WHN’s Long COVID Awareness Campaign, we are supporting this effort by Long COVID Families. Pediatric Long COVID Awareness week lasts from 9/9 – 9/13. Register to participate here!
  • Remote Action – Join the Phone Bank to Fight Mask Bans Week 8 with the World Health Network! Register to join WHN’s Community Action Meeting on Friday 9/6 at 3:00PM ET for a phone banking event on mask bans. WHN will provide phone numbers and guidance on calling representatives’ offices and tourism boards to demand they reject mask bans and support people’s right to mask.
  • San Francisco, CA – COVID Safer SF has shared that there are free rapid antigen tests at the public libraries in Bernal Heights, Chinatown, Presidio, and Bayview. Stop by these locations to stock up on rapid tests.
  • Rochester, NY – Mask Up Rochester has launched its mask request form. Visit their form to request masks if you are in the Rochester area.

Weekly Actions (Sep 3, 2024)

Join WHN and Long COVID Families for Pediatric Long COVID Awareness Week! WHN is working with Long COVID Families on Pediatric Long Covid Awareness Week! As part of WHN’s Long COVID Awareness Campaign, we are supporting this effort by Long COVID Families. Pediatric Long COVID Awareness week lasts from 9/9 – 9/13. Register to participate here!

Register for Pediatric Long COVID Awareness Week

Additional Actions & Resources

  • Remote Action – Join the Phone Bank to Fight Mask Bans Week 6 with the World Health Network! Register to join WHN’s Community Action Meeting on Friday 8/30 at 3:00PM ET for a phone banking event on mask bans. WHN will provide phone numbers and guidance on calling representatives’ offices and tourism boards to demand they reject mask bans and support people’s right to mask.
  • New York, NY – Sign Jews for Mask Rights Open Letter to Elected Officials rejecting mask ban legislation.
  • New York, NY – Jews for Racial and Economic Justice wants you to contact your representatives in NY to say “no mask ban!” Use this form to contact your representatives in New York City & State (the text of the letter will appear after you click “next”). If you aren’t Jewish, or would like to send a version of the letter that doesn’t reference JFREJ, click here
  • Canada – Still COVIDing Canada wants you to send letters to PHAC and health ministers to demand Novavax now! 
  • Virtual Event – Rutgers University is hosting a webinar on air/inhalation transmission. Learn more about protecting healthcare workers through science and action by registering here for the September 18 webinar.

Weekly Actions (Aug 19, 2024)

Join Senior & Disability Action and Long COVID Justice tomorrow 8/20 from 10:30PM-11:30PM ET for Teach-in: How to Fight Mask Bans. Register here

Register for Teach-In: Fighting Mask Bans

Additional Actions & Resources

  • Remote Action – Join the Phone Bank to Fight Mask Bans Week Five with the World Health Network! Register to join WHN’s Community Action Meeting on Friday 8/23 at 3:00PM ET for a phone banking event on mask bans. WHN will provide phone numbers and guidance on calling representatives’ offices and tourism boards to demand they reject mask bans and support people’s right to mask.
  • Remote Action – New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) wants you to say no to mask bans in New York! Learn more here.
  • Remote Action – Jews for Mask Rights has created an Anti-Mask Incident Report due to an increase in anti-mask incidents. If you have experienced such an incident, you can record it here.
  • Remote Action – The People’s CDC calls for year round universal masking in healthcare. Learn more about this letter campaign here
  • Remote Action – Mask Together America says “stop mask bans! Defend our human right to mask protection.” Learn more about this letter campaign here
  • Remote Action – The New York Times wants to know about your testing habits. Share how important testing is to you.

Weekly Actions (Aug 12, 2024)

Act quickly! If you want your voice heard on the critical issue of infection prevention and masking in healthcare, you have until 11:59 PM ET tonight to submit your request to make an oral public comment for the August 22nd virtual HICPAC meeting.

This is our chance to push for stronger protections, like requiring N95 respirators in healthcare settings.

Register for WHN’s Phone Bank Event

Additional Actions & Resources

  • Remote Action – Join the Phone Bank to Fight Mask Bans Week Four with the World Health Network! Register to join WHN’s Community Action Meeting on Friday 8/16 at 3:00PM ET for a phone banking event on mask bans. WHN will provide phone numbers and guidance on calling representatives’ offices and tourism boards to demand they reject mask bans and support people’s right to mask.
  • Remote Action – Stop Mask Bans! Defend our right to mask protection. Sign on to Mask Together America’s Letter Campaign to #StopMaskBans!
  • Remote Action – Register here! Tomorrow, Tuesday August 13th, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health is holding a community listening session on Zoom to discuss respiratory illnesses and vaccines. This is a fantastic opportunity to advocate for masks in healthcare and raise awareness about accessibility issues in healthcare settings. Please register and join Massachusetts Coalition for Health Equity in highlighting the need for universal masking in healthcare, free and accessible COVID boosters and flu vaccines for all, free PCR tests, and other accessibility measures.

Weekly Actions (Aug 8, 2024)

Phone Bank against Mask Bans with the World Health Network! Register to join WHN’s Community Action Meeting on Friday 8/9 at 3:00PM ET for a phone banking event on mask bans. We will also be email blasting and “social post storming” during the meeting. WHN will provide phone numbers and guidance on calling representatives’ offices and tourism boards to demand they reject mask bans and support people’s right to mask.

Spread the word about this event – the more people who participate in this grassroots effort the better our chances of succeeding in protecting our right to mask! Use this to participate asynchronously if you can’t join us tomorrow.

As a reminder, WHN will be hosting a recurring phone banking event on Fridays at 3:00PM EST where we will call, send emails, and post on social media.

Register for WHN’s Phone Bank Event

Additional Actions & Resources

  • Remote Action – Pan End It says to tell the CDC to provide farmworkers H5N1 vaccines!
  • Portland, Oregon – Mask Bloc PDX is hosting a public distribution on August 13 from 6PM-8PM local time at Peninsula Park. Mask Bloc PDX will be giving away N95, KN95, rapid tests, and educational zines.
  • San Francisco, CA – COVID Safer SF free rapid antigen test at the following public library branches: Bernal Heights, Chinatown, Presidio, Bayview
  • Rochester, NY – Mask Up Rochester has launched their mask request form. Click the link to the form to stock up on masks. 
  • Las Cruces, CA – Las Cruces Mask Bloc is seeking volunteers to help with social media management, creation of flyers, development of zines and more! 

Weekly Actions (Aug 1, 2024)

On August 5 at 1:00PM ET, Nassau County is holding a Mask Ban Hearing, after which legislators will vote on whether or not to pass a mask ban in Nassau County, NY. Submit a public comment before then by emailing the Clerk of the Legislature at Your comment will be made part of the formal record of this Legislative meeting.

You can also contact Nassau County legislators and urge them not to support mask ban legislation.

As a reminder, WHN will be hosting a recurring phone banking event on Fridays at 3:00PM EST where we will call, send emails, and post on social media; we will focus on Nassau this week.

Register for WHN’s Phone Bank Event

Additional Actions & Resources

  • Phone Bank against Mask Bans with the World Health Network! Register to join WHN’s Community Action Meeting on Friday 8/2 at 3:00PM ET for a phone banking event on mask bans. We will also be email blasting and “social post storming” during the meeting. WHN will provide phone numbers and guidance on calling representatives’ offices and tourism boards to demand they reject mask bans and support people’s right to mask.
    Spread the word about this event – the more people who participate in this grassroots effort the better our chances of succeeding in protecting our right to mask! Use this to participate asynchronously if you can’t join us tomorrow.
  • Don’t cut the Ontario Wastewater Surveillance Initiative! Demand that Doug Ford immediately reverse your recent decision to cancel the Ontario Wastewater Surveillance Initiative.
  • Support the Airborne Act (HR 9000). Fight for healthier indoor air! Tell Congress to support Rep. Don Beyer’s Airborne Act 2024, and urge adding incentives to meet the ASHRAE 241 infection control standard. 

Weekly Actions (Jul 23, 2024)

Phone Bank against Mask Bans with the World Health Network! Register to join WHN’s Community Action Meeting on Friday 7/26 at 3:00PM ET for a phone banking event on mask bans. WHN will provide phone numbers and guidance on calling representatives’ offices and tourism boards to demand they reject mask bans and support people’s right to mask.

Spread the word about this event – the more people who participate in this grassroots effort the better our chances of succeeding in protecting our right to mask!

Register for WHN’s Phone Bank Event

Additional Actions & Resources

  • Remote Action – Nassau County Legislature on Long Island, NY is considering a mask ban bill. 
    Save the date for the full session of Nassau County Legislature on Monday, August 5th, 2024! Public can provide public comment virtually ahead of the August 5th meeting. Submit public comment to to be made part of the formal record of this Legislative meeting.
  • North Carolina – Disability Rights North Carolina (DRNC) has published a Mask Wearing Questionnaire in response to a the North Carolina mask ban law. Fill out the questionnaire to measure the impact on people with disabilities.
  • Pittsburgh, PA – Clean Air Tools (CAT) Pittsburgh is lending out HEPA air purifiers and far UVC lights to those who need them. Fill out their clean air tools request form to borrow from CAT Pittsburgh!
  • Central Florida – Still Wearing A Mask Proudly (S.W.A.M.P.) Central Florida is distributing ready masks. Residents of Central Florida can request masks using their mask request form.

Weekly Actions (Jul 12, 2024)

Sign onto the petition to stop mask bans created by Mask Together America and Long COVID Justice! Let’s all ask our elected officials to make public health a priority. Nobody should be banned from protecting their health. Rather than banning masks, they should prohibit mask bans!

Click Here to Sign the Petition

Additional Actions & Resources

  • New York, NY – Urge Governor Hochul not to ban masks. To voice your concerns about a mask ban, call Gov. Hochul’s office at 518-474-8390 and press 1 to leave a message or press 2 to speak to a person.
  • Washington, DC – You borrow our clean air devices from Clean Air Solidarity by filling out their clean air request form.
  • Grinnell, IA – Need masks this summer? If you’re in Grinnell, Mask Distro Grinnell wants to give you masks and test kits. Use this mask and test kit request form to protect yourself from COVID. 
  • UK – COVID Action UK wants people to join their Clean Air Revolution. Learn about their event “Together Against COVID-19: Time to Get Organized” happening this fall by emailing

Weekly Actions (Jul 5, 2024)

Join Mask Together America in demanding the CDC:

  • Return to the 10-day+multiple negative tests COVID isolation guidelines
  • Speak out against the mask bans across the country
  • Mandate masks and clean air in all medical settings
  • Create a Long Covid awareness campaign that features Long Haulers to warn about the chronic illnesses that follow even a seemingly mild infection, and the danger of repeat infections
  • Educate people about the benefits of testing, masking, improving ventilation, -up-to-date with vaccines, early treatment and isolation when sick.
  • Create a nationwide clean air campaign for schools.
  • Stop the vaccine-only approach and promote layered mitigation
  • Restore widespread free PCR testing and continue the Bridge Access Program
  • Restore COVID hospitalization data requirements

Click Here to Participate in This Virtual Event

Additional Actions & Resources

  • Join Pan End It in their efforts to push back on the CDC’s COVID-19 isolation guidance. Sign Pan End It’s letter here by July 5, 2024. 
  • Chicago, IL – Join Care Not COVID Chi in stopping Alderman Lopez’s anti-mask ordinance. Details, script, and contact information to help fight this anti-mask ordinance can be found here.
  • Scotland – Long COVID Scot is seeking volunteers. Find out more on Long COVID Scot’s website.
  • Toronto, Ontario – Safe Air Collective is urging people to call the premier’s office and voice concerns over the funding for wastewater surveillance program being cancelled. Canadians can call 416.325.1941 to demand continued funding for wastewater data.

Weekly Actions (Jun 27, 2024)

New Yorkers, Call Governor Hochul’s Office and speak out against a mask ban!

COVID Advocacy NY has developed a toolkit of community actions that can be taken to prevent a NY mask ban whether you’re a New Yorker or not. Call Governor Hochul’s office and speak out against a New York Mask Ban. Dial 518-474-8390 (press 1 to leave a message, press 2 to speak to a person). When posting on social media about this, use the hashtag #NoNYMaskBan

Click Here to View COVID Advocacy NY’s Mask Ban Toolkit

Additional Actions & Resources

  • Ontario, Toronto – Earlier in June the wastewater surveillance program had been cancelled. Call the premier’s office and voice your concerns: 416-325-1941.
  • New York, NY – A.I.R. NYC has opened their request form. Sign up to borrow an air purifier here.
  • Kansas City, MO – 816 COVID Crew is seeking mask and test kit donations. Use their Contact Request Form to reach out and make a donation.
  • Berkshire County, MA – Mask Bloc Berkshire County has respirators in stock for distribution. Email to inquire about supplies.
  • Edinburgh, Scotland – Mask Bloc Edinburgh is distributing respirators. Email to learn more. 

Weekly Actions (Jun 20, 2024)

Support the movement of S. 2660, An Act Relative to Air Quality In Schools, out of the Massachusetts Senate Committee on Ways and Means without delay! S. 2660 is a groundbreaking piece of legislation and an important step forward to addressing issues of skyrocketing chronic absenteeism, historically low test scores across the state, deteriorating health, quality of education and, of course, the serious economic impacts resulting from each of these issues. Help Safer Air Safer Schools advance this legislation! Check out the “How Can I Help?” section here. Find templates to pen letters to representatives here.

Click here to support clean air in schools!

Additional Actions & Resources

Weekly Actions (Jun 12, 2024)

Long COVID Families asks that you join them in advocating for Long COVID research funding in the FY25 budget by contacting your representatives. One in four individuals with Long COVID is a child. Request a fair share of funding for pediatric research.  

Request a Fair Share of Long COVID Funding for Kids

Additional Actions & Resources

  • Los Angeles, CA – Clean Air Los Angeles is looking for volunteers! Clean Air LA helps people and organizations secure air purifiers and far UVC lights. Clean Air LA seeks volunteers with experience in graphic design or social media. Fill out their interest form to learn more and be connected!
  • Central New Jersey – Mask Bloc Central New Jersey wants you to help demonstrate community care by requesting masks. Email to request masks. 
  • Madison, WI – Clean Air 608 is putting out a public call for volunteers to help with transportation and administration. Fill out this interest form to get involved.
  • Capital Region, NY – Mask Together Capital Region wants to supply you with free masks. Visit their mask request form and join their email list.
  • Nashville, TN – Mask4Mask Nashville’s Rapid Test Request Form is back. Fill out the request form to receive some of the 15000 rapid tests being distributed locally. 
  • World Health Network Action – The World Health Network has launched a COVID-Safe Provider Database and we need your help adding providers! Follow this link to access the provider database, search for COVID-safe providers in your area, and upload healthcare providers who are implementing infection prevention practices in their offices!
  • The World Health Network is sharing an open call for meeting moderators! The WHN Daily Call meets every day at 5:00PM EST on Slack. Daily Call moderators facilitate our 25 minute discussion covering team and project updates as well as news on COVID-19 and H5N1. If you would like to learn more about the moderator role, email with the subject line “Moderator Role.”
  • World Health Network Action: Do you have a passion for graphic design? Join the WHN Creative Working Group to collaborate on creative content projects!

Weekly Actions (Jun 1, 2024)

The World Health Network is sharing an open call for meeting moderators! The WHN Daily Call meets every day at 5:00PM EST on Slack. Daily Call moderators facilitate our 25 minute discussion. If you would like to learn more about the moderator role, email with the subject line “Daily Call Moderator.”


Additional Actions & Resources

  • Long COVID Zoom Chat – International Long COVID Awareness (ILCA) has established a chat group for those living with Long COVID. The calls take place Monday through Friday 12PM-2PM PST and 3PM-5PM PST. Reach out to for the join link or more information. 
  • San Francisco, CA – Senior Disability Action is hiring for two roles: Executive Director and Coordinator and Organizing Associate. Help SD Action continue to create a city and world where seniors and people with disabilities can live safely by emailing your resume to
  • Inland Empire, CA – Breathe Free Inland Empire has a new mask inventory for distribution. Use their PPE request form to secure your masks!
  • Vermont – The Vermont Mask Collective has launched a secure request form for free high quality masks and rapid antigen tests. Questions may be directed to
  • Maryland – Mask Bloc 301 is looking for COVID safe vet practices in Maryland. Email with recommendations. 
  • World Health Network Action – The World Health Network has launched a COVID-Safe Provider Database and we need your help adding providers! Follow this link to access the provider database, search for COVID-safe providers in your area, and upload healthcare providers who are implementing infection prevention practices in their offices!
  • World Health Network Action: Do you have a passion for graphic design? Join the WHN Creative Working Group to collaborate on creative content projects!

Weekly Actions (May 23, 2024)

Mask Up! Find your local mask bloc using this tool. Encourage masking by donating to your local mask bloc or obtaining respirators and wearing them.

Find Your Mask Bloc

Additional Actions & Resources

  • Mask Bloc Fundraiser – Support the mask fundraiser for West Coast and Southwest Mask Blocs. Join 12+ mask blocs in this community care project! Donate to the Go Fund Me here.
  • San Francisco, CA – COVID Safer SF is offering a COVID-conscious one-hour “Any A” meeting on Fridays at 5PM PT for those in 12-step recovery for alcohol/drug addiction. Email for link/info.
  • Iowa – The Iowa Fair Air Network wants to hear from Iowans about their experiences with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Take Fair Air Network’s survey to learn more, share about your experiences, and get involved!
  • Maryland – Mask Bloc 301 is distributing masks via no-contact delivery! Maryland residents within Montgomery, Prince George’s, Frederick, and Howard Counties encouraged to inquire! Email for more information.
  • Chicago, IL- Collective Air needs volunteers! Fill out this form to join Collective Air and make respirators accessible!
  • Chicago, IL – Chicago Mask Bloc is looking for volunteers to help with South Side deliveries and Storage! If you can help, please email
  • World Health Network Reminder – The World Health Network has launched a COVID-Safe Provider Database and we need your help adding providers! Follow this link to access the provider database, search for COVID-safe providers in your area, and upload healthcare providers who are implementing infection prevention practices in their offices!
  • World Health Network Reminder: Do you have a passion for graphic design? Join the WHN Creative Working Group to collaborate on creative content projects!

Weekly Actions (May 8, 2024)

Submit public comment: The FDA must update the COVID vaccine and facilitate no cost access twice a year! 

View List of Asks and Make Public Comment Here

Additional Actions & Resources

Weekly Actions (May 2, 2024)

Use Long COVID Moonshot’s recently launched Call Guide and Script tool to help you find and call your local representatives with a script asking them to address the ongoing Long COVID public health crisis.

Use this guide to urge your representative to address Long COVID

Additional Actions & Resources

  • If you’re frustrated that COVID and Long COVID continue to be minimized, join Long COVID Justice in “Naming the Lost,” an annual community memorial for the many losses of the COVID-19 pandemic. For this year’s memorial ideas for banners, drawings, and slogans as signs of protest are being collected here.
  • Mask Bloc Atlanta has penned an open letter to Atlanta healthcare facilities and providers in Atlanta asking to reinstate COVID Precautions. Read the letter and sign on here!
  • Clean Air Distribution Network is seeking a Chief Financial Officer to join their Volunteer Board of Directors to oversee CADIN’s finances and fundraising efforts. This is a volunteer role and experience is welcome but not needed. If you are interested applications are being accepted here.
  • Breathe Free Inland Empire (IE) is seeking guidance from other mask blocs and mutual aid organizations about sourcing masks and donations. Email to assist.
  • San Francisco, CA – Mask Bloc Sunset SF has stocked free rapid tests at these library branches as of 4/27/24: Golden Gate Valley, Main Branch, Bayview. 
  • Reminder – The World Health Network has launched a COVID-Safe Provider Database and we need your help adding providers! Follow this link to access the provider database, search for COVID-safe providers in your area, and upload healthcare providers who are implementing infection prevention practices in their offices!

Weekly Actions (Apr 25, 2024)

Please join Senior and Disability Action in urging the San Francisco Department of Public Health to keep in place Health Order 2023-01b, which requires that healthcare personnel wear masks, and to strengthen it through needed public health measures such as universal mask requirements, as well as requiring and providing high-quality masks. Please see the statement here.

Sign on to Keep Masks in Healthcare

Additional Actions & Resources

  • Sign on to the People’s CDC’s letter to Mandy Cohen. Tell the CDC we need science-based isolation guidelines.
  • Supporting Healthcare Heroes UK needs volunteers! Support UK healthcare workers with Long COVID. Email and sign up at
  • Do you have opinions about how COVID and Long COVID are covered by the media? Share your thoughts with The Sick Times here!
  • Send an email to educate your members of congress about a “HOME” for IACCIs at NIH. Infection-associated chronic illnesses and conditions are a public health crisis! Diseases like ME/CFS, Long COVID, POTS and other forms of Dysautonomia need your help!
  • Chicago – CollectiveAir is seeking volunteers. Sign up here!
  • Chicago – Chicago Mask Bloc urgently needs drivers to help with North Side deliveries. If you can help please email with subject line “North Side Driver.”
  • Reminder – The World Health Network has launched a COVID-Safe Provider Database and we need your help adding providers! Follow this link to access the provider database, search for COVID-safe providers in your area, and upload healthcare providers who are implementing infection prevention practices in their offices!

Weekly Actions (Apr 16, 2024)

On April 16, our government is ending the Home Test to Treat COVID program that targeted the at-risk populations. Fight to keep Test to Treat going by signing this petition.

Sign the petition here!

Additional Actions & Resources

Weekly Actions (Apr 3, 2024)

Governor Hochul wants to repeal COVID-19 sick leave. Call your local representatives to urge them to oppose any COVID-19 sick leave repeal in this year’s final budget. 

Find your assembly member here: 

Find your senator here:

Sign up to testify or submit written testimony here.

Additional Actions & Resources

  • Special Announcement – The World Health Network has launched a COVID-Safe Provider Database and we need your help adding providers! Follow this link to access the provider database, search for COVID-safe providers in your area, and upload healthcare providers who are implementing infection prevention practices in their offices!
  • Minneapolis/Saint Paul, MN – Mask Bloc MSP has launched and is seeking respirator donations and accepting respirator requests via form or email (
  • Las Cruces, NM – Cruces Mask Bloc is looking for volunteers! Follow link to sign up for opportunities to help with distribution, social media management, research, graphic design, brainstorming, and more!
  • Chicago, IL – Help Chicago CO2 share CO2 Readings around Chicago – Share images of Aranet4 CO2 readings for the benefit and informed consent of the medically vulnerable and COVID Conscious. Submissions can be sent to or submitted through direct message to @ChicagoCO2 on Instagram. 
  • Chicago, IL – Help Collective Air make respirators free and accessible on all CTA buses, trains, and stations! Calling all people with a passion for COVID-19 safety, disability justice, and community work to join Collective Air.
  • Los Angeles County, CA – LA County offers free pet testing if they were exposed within the last 7 days. Email or call 213-288-7060 for more information.

Weekly Actions (Mar 20, 2024)

The NYC Council Health Committee is holding a budget hearing next Thursday, March 21 regarding NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (NYC DOHMH). The hearing starts at 10:00am EST and public comments start at 1:30pm EST. Call on NYC Council to fund and pass bill Int 0332-2024, an important bill that would provide free masks and rapid tests through the mail to New Yorkers.  

Sign up to testify or submit written testimony here.

Additional Actions & Resources

Weekly Actions (Mar 13, 2024)

Urge sponsorship and support of a congressional resolution formalizing Long COVID Awareness Day

Help Make March 15th Long COVID Awareness Day!

Additional Actions & Resources

Weekly Actions (Mar 4, 2024)

Let your voice be heard. Tell the CDC to reverse their new isolation policy!

Tell the CDC to Reverse Their New Isolation Policy

Additional Actions & Resources

Weekly Actions (Feb 27, 2024)

Say “No!” to the CDC’s plans to shorten the COVID isolation period! 

There are numerous opportunities to phone bank with scripts, submit letters, and sign petitions asking the White House to veto the CDC’s plans to weaken the already inadequate isolation guidance for COVID-19. Sign onto this cause here:

Submit a Letter: Do Not Shorten the COVID Isolation Period!

Additional Actions & Resources

Weekly Actions (Dec 13, 2023)

As you know, Long Covid is a national emergency, with tens of millions of cases in the US alone, and new patients being added daily amidst unmitigated spread.

Long Covid Action Project is organizing a petition to demand an adequate response which includes (1) declaring that Long Covid be named a national emergency, (2) allocating millions in funding to research for treatments (3) mandating wastewater tracking (4) mandating clean air and (5) mandating respirators in healthcare. Read and sign the full petition here:

Sign the Petition: We need an adequate Long COVID Response!

Additional Actions & Resources

Weekly Actions (Dec 4, 2023)

Send a letter to Congress asking your Representatives to support Long Covid legislation, project organized by Longhauler Advocacy Project. Then, share the info on your social media!

Tell your Reps: Support Long Covid Legislation

Additional Actions & Resources

  • San Diego: Let your local school administrators know about this School Ventilation Training held by the California Department of Public Health and San Diego County. Trainings will take place Wednesday, December 6, and Thursday, December 7. 
  • New Orleans: Fight Covid Nola is offering a Corsi-Rosenthal box for community use! Borrow it at the link, or simply share the information on your social media and with your networks
  • Boston: Get free masks and up to 10 free rapid tests from Boston Covid Action by filling out this form
  • Ontario: Join Safe Care Ontario to advocate for masks in healthcare by sending one email to York and Peel Region hospitals. Resources to do so at the link.
  • British ColumbiaRequest free masks from Mask Bloc BC, anywhere in BC! 

Weekly Actions (Nov 2, 2023)

Please submit a written comment to HICPAC if you have not done so yet by midnight ET on Monday, November 6, about the inadequacy of their drafted guidelines. You can find more information and talking points at this link. 

Talking points for submitting a written comment to HICPAC

Comments should be no longer than one page, or about 375 words. Comments submitted before November 6 at midnight will be entered in the public record. Submit your comments to HICPAC@CDC.GOV 

Additional Actions & Resources

Weekly Actions (Oct 26, 2023)

The window to make a verbal comment at the meeting has closed; however, between November 1 and November 6 at midnight ET, you may submit written comments to HICPAC. Comments submitted within this window will be entered into the public record of the meeting. We ask you to review our instructions here and draft a brief comment to HICPAC, emphasizing the need for airborne infection control in healthcare, during the comment period next week. 

Instructions to submit a written comment to HICPAC

Additional Actions & Resources

Weekly Actions (Oct 19, 2023)

If you haven’t yet, sign up to attend WHN’s Clean Air Expo, which will take place on October 24. At this all-virtual event, you’ll be able to hear from some of the world’s top aerosol experts about new technologies and the way forward. 

Additionally, please SHARE the Clean Air Expo website on all your social media platforms, with an invitation to your networks to join the Clean Air revolution! 

Sign up for the Clean Air Expo!

Additional Actions & Resources

  • Anywhere: HHS is proposing updates to Section 504, a foundational disability rights law. PanEndIt wants to ensure that COVID-related discrimination be detailed in the proposed update. Read PanEndIt’s full guide to the situation at the link in their bio and help by leaving a public comment on COVID-related disability discrimination!
  • AnywhereJoin Solve CFS for a webinar featuring Pulitzer-prize winning journalist Ed Yong, October 28, 1-3 pm on Zoom

Weekly Actions (Oct 11, 2023)

This week’s Weekly Actions all have the same focus: the upcoming critical HICPAC meeting, to take place November 2-3. 

HICPAC is the infection control advisory body to the CDC, and it has been under public fire for drafting new infection control guidelines that equate surgical masks with N95s and eschew proper airborne infection control. It is critical that we get as many allies as possible in attendance for this meeting. There is also a public comment period where CDC will briefly hear feedback from us. 

Pushing back on these guidelines, creating public pressure and awareness, and fighting for a transparent process that includes aerosol experts are all major priorities of WHN right now. Please review the list of actions below and participate in any and all of them as you are able! 

Critical HICPAC Actions

  • Register to attend and make a public comment at the upcoming November HICPAC meeting. Follow the link and click “public comment”. You must register to make your public comment before midnight on October 23. CDC will conduct a lottery to choose commenters for the public comment section. Your comment must be limited to 3 minutes
  • If you haven’t yet, please sign the WHN’s Sign-on Letter to demand proper airborne infection control in healthcare. This is the last week to sign on to our letter to HICPAC and demand protections for patients and healthcare workers! 
  • Join NNU and demand that HICPAC Release the DraftUse the link to send an email to CDC HICPAC leaders, and call on them to: open up the process of revising infection control guidance and engage experts: release the draft updates and hold public meetings to provide health care workers, patients, and other experts with the opportunity to provide input before any vote to finalize updates
  • Attend the #StopHICPAC Workshop on Updating Guidelines and Standards for Aerosol Transmissible Diseases in Healthcare. Friday October 13, 12-3 PM ET
  • Please SHARE information about all of the above on your social media!

Weekly Actions (Oct 4, 2023)

As of today, WHN has launched the Clear Air Pledge, a new initiative to help promote businesses and venues that are taking indoor air quality seriously.  At the link, local businesses can sign up by describing their ventilation, filtration, and CO2 monitoring practices. WHN will review and approve submissions within a day, and feature approved businesses on our interactive map. Participants will also receive a Clean Air Pledge badge for their websites and store windows. 

Please share the Clean Air Pledge on all your platforms so we can begin to raise awareness about this in the Covid-cautious community! 

Share the Clean Air Pledge on social!

Additional Actions & Resources

  • Anywhere: If you haven’t yet, please sign the WHN’s Sign-on Letter to demand proper airborne infection control in healthcare.
  • Anywhere : If you haven’t yet, sign up for the WHN’s Clean Air Expo, which will take place on October 24. At this all-virtual event, you’ll be able to hear from some of the world’s top aerosol experts about new technologies and the way forward. 
  • Anywhere: Attend the #StopHICPAC Workshop on Updating Guidelines and Standards for Aerosol Transmissible Diseases in Healthcare. Friday October 13, 12-3 PM ET
  • Chicago: Request free masks or share this mask request form from the Chicago Mask Project
  • Portland: Utilize this map to find and support businesses that require masks! Organized by Covid Safe PDX
  • Northeastern University: Attend the October Covid Safety Pop-up, put on by NEU Covid Response and NU Mutual Aid, Tuesday, October 10, 2-5 pm. Free KN95 and N95 masks as well as free Flowflex rapid tests!

Weekly Actions (Sep 28, 2023)

This week’s action is one we’re very excited about: signing up for and/or sharing information about WHN’s upcoming Clean Air Expo, which will take place on October 24. At this all-virtual event, you’ll be able to hear from some of the world’s top aerosol experts about new technologies and the way forward. 

Sign up for the Clean Air Expo

Additional Actions & Resources

  • Anywhere: If you haven’t yet, please sign the WHN’s Sign-on Letter to demand proper airborne infection control in healthcare.
  • Anywhere: Attend the #StopHICPAC Workshop on Updating Guidelines and Standards for Aerosol Transmissible Diseases in Healthcare. Friday October 13, 12-3 PM ET
  • US: Join Covid Advocacy Initiative and tell the White House we need free N95 masks for all Americans 
  • Maryland: Join a Covid Safe Maryland meeting, tonight 5:30 pm and every Thursday evening 
  • Colorado: Get free masks or share with your network, provided by Covid Safe Colorado, or attend their first outdoor masked gathering, Saturday October 14, 1-3 pm MT in Denver 
  • Denton, TX: Get free masks or share with your network, provided by North Texas Rural Resilience 
  • OntarioAdvocate for universal masking in healthcare with Safe Care ON

Weekly Actions (Sep 21, 2023)

WHN has re-opened our sign-on letter to HICPAC and CDC Director Mandy Cohen, informing them that we demand proper infection control in healthcare. Please sign at the link and share. 

Tell HICPAC: We Need Airborne Infection Control in Hospitals

Additional Actions & Resources

  • Anywhere: Attend DOE/EPA Webinar on Indoor Air Quality in Schools, Wednesday, August 23, 2023, 1-2pm ET, Featuring Kenneth Mead, Ph.D., PE, from NIOSH and Bill Bahnfleth, Ph.D., PE, from ASHRAE
  • LA: Demand LA County keep masks in healthcare by signing this petition, organized by ACE Coalition
  • OregonSign this letter from Pan End It and tell the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) to keep COVID as a restrictable disease (NOTE: deadline for public comment is today at 5 pm PT/8 pm ET)
  • UK: Sign this petition to take the Clean Air Bill through the House of Commons

Weekly Actions (Sep 14, 2023)

The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) plans to remove COVID from the state’s list of restrictable diseases, encouraging people to work while positive. COVID positive people are highly contagious, regardless of how sick they are. Sign this letter from Pan End It and tell the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) to keep COVID as a restriable disease

Tell the OHA: Keep Covid as a restricable disease

Additionally, OHA is holding a public hearing on this and other proposed changes on 9/18 at 3 pm Pacific and accepting public comments until 9/21 at 5 pm Pacific. You can submit a public comment or sign up to give public testimony at the hearing by emailing

Additional Actions & Resources

Weekly Actions (Sep 6, 2023)

This week, we have an important action related to the release of the upcoming fall booster shot. After a long wait, a reformulated booster aimed at the XBB variants will be available as soon as next week. Unfortunately, the CDC is now debating whether this booster should be available only to seniors and the immunocompromised. As we know, Covid is a serious illness for everyone, including the impact of organ damage and symptomatic long COVID. Vaccine efficacy wanes significantly within 3-6 months. For this reason, access to the vaccine booster shots targeted to the new variants should not be restricted, they should be available to all.

This Week’s Action

Make a public comment to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), a CDC committee which advises the FDA on vaccines. Follow this link and press the “comment” button in the top left. Then submit your comment encouraging the CDC to make boosters available to everyone who wants one. Comments close in 2 days, on Friday, September 8. 

Submit your comment to the CDC by Friday

As of now, the CDC has received just over a thousand comments. With over 350 people on this list, we could make a drastic difference with our action

The ACIP will meet Tuesday, September 12, from 10 am – 4 pm ET to make final recommendations. You can view the meeting at this link.

Additional Actions & Resources

  • Anywhere: Send this letter from John Snow Project to your local doctors and healthcare facilities 
  • Anywhere: Join Mask Together America for a virtual town hall on the current COVID wave, Sept 7 & 8. Engaging Q&A sessions on COVlD mitigations. 
  • Maryland: Join Covid Safe Maryland’s next Action Meeting, tomorrow, Sept 7, @ 5:30 pm ET
  • NYC: Join Covid Advocacy NY in contacting your city council members and tell them to support a new bill that would provide free masks, other PPE, and rapid tests through the mail to NYC residents

Weekly Actions (Aug 30, 2023)

Join the Long Covid Action Project in calling on the UN to designate March 15th as Long Covid Awareness Day, and March as Long Covid Awareness Month by signing their virtual letter. 

Call on the UN to declare Long Covid Awareness Day/Month

Additional Actions & Resources

  • Anywhere: Send this letter from John Snow Project to your local doctors and healthcare facilities 
  • Anywhere: Join Mask Together America for a virtual town hall on the current COVID wave, Sept 7 & 8. Engaging Q&A sessions on COVlD mitigations. No registration form as of yet, but save the date. 
  • Anywhere: If you have a story about how you’ve been harmed by lack of masks in healthcare, you can submit it to Covid Safe MD here. They are elevating and amplifying these stories to draw public attention to the issue. 
  • NYC: Join Covid Advocacy NY in contacting your city council members and tell them to support a new bill that would provide free masks, other PPE, and rapid tests through the mail to NYC residents
  • San Francisco: Request free masks from Mask Bloc Sunset SF, and/or share the info on social 

Weekly Actions (Aug 23, 2023)

By this Friday, August 25: HICPAC – CDC’s Infection Control Advisory Body—is taking public comments about their drafted guidelines to weaken existing infection control measures in healthcare facilities. Their drafted guidelines don’t ensure that N-95 respirator masks will be used to prevent airborne transmission.

Submit a comment about the importance of proper airborne infection control in healthcare settings by emailing, attn Ms Byrd, subject line “Isolation/infection control”. These comments will be reviewed by HICPAC and entered into the public record. 

Some talking points to get you started:

Talking points for your comment to HICPAC

Additional Actions & Resources

Weekly Actions (Aug 16, 2023)

As of August 22, HICPAC (the infection control advisory body to the CDC) is prepared to make new recommendations around airborne infection control in healthcare. We, along with NNU and many other bodies, experts and healthcare workers, are highly concerned that these drafted recommendations fly in the face of established science and will not prevent airborne transmission of viruses like COVID-19 in healthcare settings. Hospital-acquired COVID infections are highly deadly to vulnerable patients. 

You can review our letter to HICPAC here which includes recommendations for immediate action. You can also review a background summary of the science and our concerns here, with citations. Click the button below to sign on to our letter to HICPAC:

Sign on Letter to Reject June 2023 HICPAC Drafted Recommendations Lowering Infection-control Standards

Additional Actions & Resources

  • Anywhere: Sign up TODAY to Join the CDC HICPAC Infection Control Committee Zoom meeting on August 22, 2023 at 9-11:30 PT, 12-2:30 pm ET. THE DEADLINE TO SIGN UP IS TOMORROW. Let’s mobilize to demand that CDC/HICPAC update National medical system guidelines to match proven infection control science. When you register, indicate if you wish to comment (verbally or written) and share how mask removal and substandard surgical masks in healthcare settings have negatively impacted you, your loved ones, and health care systems. 
  • Madison, Wisconsin: Mask Bloc 608 has free masks to distribute. Pick some up or share their post
  • Pittsburgh: Mask Up Pittsburgh has a form for requesting free tests and masks. Request or share with your networks on social media 
  • London: New mask distribution effort, Masks 4 London. Follow for more  

Weekly Actions (Aug 3, 2023)

Join with MA Coalition for Health Equity to help keep universal masking at Dana Farber Cancer Center. You can do this even if you do not live in MA! Full instructions at the link, this action should take you five minutes total. 

Keep Universal Masking at Dana Farber Cancer Center

Additional Actions & Resources

Weekly Actions (Jul 26, 2023)

Reshare WHN’s graphic about President Biden’s strict COVID protocols that require anyone he meets with to PCR test on any/all social media platforms:

Reshare the graphic: President Biden’s Strict Covid Protocols

Additional Actions & Resources

  • BostonContact Mayor Wu’s office and the Boston Public Health Commission to tell them we need free and fast PCR tests available to all. Resources organized by Mass Coalition for Health Equity 
  • Twin Cities: Add to Covid Safe TC’s Covid-safer businesses map 
  • UK: Sign this petition to restore Covid-19 wastewater monitoring
  • NYC: 11 am this Sunday, July 30, attend a masked walk, Gantry Plaza State Park 
  • Illinois: air purifiers and filters available at no cost to qualifying Illinois day care centers. Apply by July 31, and share with your networks
  • Anywhere: Join Bed-Stuy Strong for a summer essay series on the topic of Covid & Disability Justice, Thursday Aug 3, 7 pm ET on Zoom 
  • Philadelphia: Philly Mask Bloc has over 20,000 free masks to give away; you can fill out this form to have free masks dropped off or picked up, and/or share on social media to spread awareness!

Weekly Actions (Jul 20, 2023)

Covid-19 Longhauler Advocacy Project is asking us to send a (virtual) letter to our Representatives in support of the Treat Long Covid Act. 

From LAP: “Millions need care, and assistance, which largely depends on medical documentation. The Treat Long COVID Act will help provide the framework we need to start moving forward with assistance and solutions for the Long COVID community, and beyond, improving patient outcomes. Please help us get this bill supported and spread the word to friends, family, and others on social media. “

Tell your Representatives: Support the Treat Long Covid Act

Sign the letter, then share on your social media! 

Additional Actions & Resources

Weekly Actions (Jul 13, 2023)

CDC guidance directs infection control practices in many health care settings in the United States and around the world. Right now, the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC) is putting together recommendations to update CDC protocols. 

Unfortunately, this recommendations process has been closed to the public, and concerns are surfacing that HICPAC is pushing the CDC away from established science by refusing to acknowledge fully airborne transmission of Covid-19. 

NNU is on the frontline fighting against this dangerous decision, which could also see significant downgrading in PPE for healthcare workers. 

This Week’s Action

Sign NNU’s Petition to urge CDC and HICPAC to Fully Recognize Aerosol Transmission and Protect Health Care Workers and Patients

Tell HICPAC: Acknowledge Aerosol Transmission of Covid-19

Additionally, you can sign this letter to the new CDC Director, Dr. Mandy Cohen, about the weakening of infection control standards.

Additional Actions & Resources

Weekly Actions (Jul 6, 2023)

Sign Marked by Covid’s letter to your Senator demanding an investigation of the US Covid Response

Demand an investigation of the US Covid Response

Additional Actions & Resources

  • Dallas/Fort WorthDonate masks to DFW Mask Bloc
  • US: Join Senior & Disability Action for a virtual meeting on ADA accommodations: TODAY 3 pm ET
  • UK: Let your local school know about the SAMHE project to involve students in monitoring air quality
  • Current college students, USApply to be a campus ambassador for Covid Safe Campus! Applications due July 19
  • LA: join Action Care Equity on Friday @ 3 pm PT for Week 11 of protests for masks in hospitals (reoccurs weekly!)

Weekly Actions (Jun 29, 2023)

Sign Solve ME’s Petition and Ask your Members of Congress to support the CARE for Long COVID Act!

Sign the Petition: CARE for Long Covid

Additional Actions & Resources

Weekly Actions (Jun 22, 2023)

Join our friends at Long Covid Alliance and call your representative to tell them to support the TREAT Act, which will authorize HHS to grant up to $2 million for Long Covid health providers and community health centers:

Tell Your Representative: Support the TREAT Act

Additional Actions & Resources

Weekly Actions (Jun 15, 2023)

Sign the People’s CDC’s letter to Congress and the CDC, demanding free PCR testing for all 

Demand PCR Tests for All

Additional Actions & Resources

Weekly Actions (Jun 8, 2023) is a site under the WHN umbrella with almost 14,000 members which allows Covid-safe individuals to connect with one another all over the world. When you sign up, simply answer some basic questions about your location and safety measures, then you can begin messaging others!

There are group discussions to join and a directory of organizations that follow safer practices.

Additionally, whether you’ve previously joined Covidmeetups or not, we ask that you share a link to the website across your social media platforms. The more people join, the easier it will be for all of us to make local connections and join together for change. 


Additional Actions & Resources

Weekly Actions (Jun 1, 2023)

Join National Nurses United (NNU) in signing a letter to the CDC and the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC). 

As they note in their letter, these two organizations play a pivotal role in setting guidance that shapes infection control and prevention practices in hospitals, nursing homes, and other health care settings across the nation and around the world.

CDC and HICPAC must fully recognize aerosol transmission of COVID-19 and maintain and strengthen respiratory protection and other protections for health care workers caring for patients with suspected or confirmed respiratory infections.

Sign NNU’s Letter to the CDC and HICPAC

Additional Actions & Resources

  • Massachusetts: Join Massachusetts’ Coalition for Health Equity and file a complaint with the Attorney General. Templates and further details here. When you’re ready, file your complaint here
  • Maryland: Join COVID Safe MD in sending a letter to Governor Moore to keep masks in healthcare
  • Anywhere: If you have the resources, download and print these gorgeous posters from BIRCH, print and put them up in your area

Weekly Actions (May 17, 2023)

Participate in Mandate Masks US and Covid Safe Campus’ project to Keep Masks in Healthcare. You can learn more about their project at this link and sign up to participate here

Keep Masks in Healthcare!

Additional Actions & Resources

Last reviewed on September 14, 2024

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