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Guidelines for Blogs

Editorial Guidelines

We welcome blog posts on your personal experience regarding taking Covid-19 precautions at work. What is it like to be the only one, or among a few, who mask at work?

What is it like to teach with a mask on? What type of mask are you using? How are you commuting to work, and what precautions are you using in your commute, if any?  What other precautions other than masking are you using? 

We encourage all professionals that have to physically go to work to write for us, in any country in the world. 

Your blog post must be original and to describe your personal experience. 

Please note that at this point we will only focus on Covid-19 in the workplace, rather than any other topics. 

We will reject blog posts that use inflammatory language.

It is important that all information that you include in your blog post is valid and true. 

You can write anonymously, but please be aware that one member of WHN will need to know your identity and check that you are who you say you are. Include these as hyperlinks within the text. Do not use a reference list or footnotes. 

Your blog post will be sent for review, which could take several months. It is possible that your blog post will not be accepted for publication, or for the reviewers to ask you to make revisions to your post, in which case you will be invited to resubmit. 

Submission Guidelines

You can write a short biography (100 words maximum). 

If you write and publish a blog post for us, you agree that your blog post could be used as qualitative data by researchers and students, who may then publish scholarly articles, where they analyze several blog posts published by WHN. 

Blogs posts can be between 500 and 2500 words. 

Please include a short title

Leave a gap between paragraphs. 

You will need to submit your blog post in a word document, double-spaced, font 12 Arial, in English.

We encourage you to use scholarly references and/or websites that include valid information about Covid-19 and precautions. 

You are welcome to submit a photo or artwork

Blog post submissions should be sent to


The blogs published here contain, to our best knowledge, valid information and describe personal experiences of taking Covid-19 precautions in the workplace. We have done everything possible to ensure that there is no misleading information, and that the individuals writing these blogs are writing about their authentic personal experiences. 

Last reviewed on October 28, 2024

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