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Opening Session

Featuring: Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Cecile Philippe, Michael Baker, Eric Feigl-Ding, Gunhild Nyborg, Luis Eugenio, Meir Rubin, Matthias Schneider, Jorg Danzer, Jennifer Tuksal, Susan Blumberg-Kason, Stephane Bilodeau, Greta Fox, Carlos Gershenson, Krzysztof Mroczkowski, and Elisa Zeno

Chaired by Yaneer Bar-Yam

Partial List of Speakers


Airborne Precautions (DIY and more)

Airborne Precautions not Siloed Session (DIY and more) (2)

Big Pharma and “Vaccine Apartheid”

Collaboration Not Siloed

COVID Responses in South American Countries

Essential Data

Harm Reduction

Healthy Survival and Prevention – Networking from people in Physical Distancing

How to Build Zerocovid Spaces – Spaces to Celebrate Life Together!

How To Light Up on Social Media

Listening to Children on “Back to School” in the Current Pandemic

Local Volunteering in China

LongCovid: How pathogen persistence must be evaluated and addressed

Media Training Mini Workshop

No-Covid Germany 2.0 What Did Work Well and How Should It Strategically Go On?

Scientific Knowledge Use for Covid Responses

Widespread Intimidation of Elected Officials, Superintendents, and Parents Who Support COVID Mitigation – An American Dilemma

World Health Network Communications: A Transdisciplinary Journal on COVID-19