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Seeking Devs: Tackle Focused COVID Challenges, Level Up Your Skills

Hey developers,

Ready to dive into some high-impact work? We’re CovidMeetups, and we need JavaScript and Ruby on Rails experts to solve specific, well-defined challenges. You’re not just a code monkey here; you’re a problem solver.

Improve Search Functionality 
Task: Allow users to search groups, by location, by type. 
Allow Users to search for listed businesses.
Improve Messaging 
Task: Add Emoji reactions to individual messages and group messages.
Email Automation  – JS/Ruby
Task: Enable sending automatic emails to new signups from community Managers. Enable sending email updates to new users to finish completing their profile. Enable sending update email to group members in a newsletter format.
Inviting friends to Covid meetups via email.
Map Integration – JS
Task: Embed Google Maps to display businesses that are listed as Covid-Concious. 
Calendar Integrations
Task: Create a calendar to show in-person events, virtual events and local mask swaps. 
Improve Infrastructure 
Tasks: Speed Asset Compilation. 
Add a Ruby Linter
Add Outage alerts to Slack
Add real time monitoring for email deliveries and Sidekiq queue
Use Cloudflare to serve images.
API Integrations – Ruby
Task: Integrate Slack or Discord API for in-app chat.
Integrate Whatsapp Api for in-app chat.
General UI improvements 
Task: Localize Relative Times
Improve Business listing by adding business categories and subcategories.
Adding dating preferences to profiles. 
Allowing users to designate friends
QA testing – JS/Ruby
Task: Identify and squash critical bugs. Get recognized.

Pick a task, get access to our codebase, and become a key team member. This is a win-win; you contribute to a crucial cause and buff up your skill set.

Keen? Time’s ticking. Let’s get you onboarded.CovidMeetups Dev Team
Contact Us

Last reviewed on December 25, 2024

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