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Nicolas Smit

Nicolas Smit

Executive Director of the American Mask Manufacturer’s Association

Expert’s bio
Nicolas Smit is the Executive Director of the American Mask Manufacturer’s Association. He has spent the pandemic helping people understand the importance of using better masks, has helped get better masks donated to people in need around the world, and has helped politicians around the world understand the importance of better masks including getting the government of Ontario and Canada to recommend elastomeric respirators as N95 alternatives. Mr. Smit is now working with politicians, government agencies, corporations and other non profits in the U.S. to help solve key pandemic issues including trying to get free masks for everyone. He has been a major advocate for a layered approach to safety. In his spare time, Mr. Smit helps the World Health Network, MaskTogetherAmerica, Clean Air Crew and many other groups around pandemic issues and he is also the Vice Chair for the Greater Sudbury Watershed Alliance.